Tri-Tex Squad-1- Adventure Story for Kids

Mission no.1: Finding the Hamoda Dagu

Chapter 1: Introduction

Hi Friends, I am Alex. I am a part of tri-tex squad, a name made by my two close friends and I.

Our leader is ‘Guff’ because he gave the idea.

Our co-leader is a guy named ‘Con Halver’ because he gave the name ‘tri-tex’.

I am the inventor. I made everyone a secret weapon (that’s why I am the inventorJ. Anyways it is just for emergencies).

Mine is a slingshot, Con Halver’s is a seed shooter and Guff’s is a secret.

Guff is a brave guy. Con Halver likes to eat a lot and he isn’t that smart but even his brain sometimes comes to a use. I am just a nerd.

We simply made the team, but we ended up in a big adventure when we got pushed into another world.

We are just kids and we can never think of living alone in another world. You can read this story to find out how did we go there and how did we survive J

Chapter 2: The science fair

In the last period of the school, our principal announced in the mic,

“kids, as tomorrow is the last day of the school, we are going to conduct a science exhibition in which scientists are going to show their latest inventions! You will rate them”

Then the bell rang. We were grouped and discussed with each other

Guff: It is going to be awesome

Con Halver: I wish they make a machine that can make whatever food we ask. Yummy!

Me: Let’s get our tools in case some problem happens.

Then we went home. I was excited. I kept thinking about it. The next day, I got up, brushed my teeth, bathed and other things you already know J. Then I took my slingshot and went to school.

Halver and Guff were already there. After lunchtime, the scientists came.

There were so many of them that I couldn’t even count them. At first, some of the inventions were nice, and some were boring but the last were interesting.

A scientist made a giant size TV with two hands. The scientist explained that one hand can make a character from a channel to life and the other can take it back.

Everyone rated it ‘5’. There was a scientist who invented a size-changing machine. He took a carton of 10 mangoes and took 6.

He pointed the machine towards it, took some sand and put in a bottle and fixed it to the machine. Then he set it 5 m and pressed the start button.

A flash of light appeared and then we saw 6 big mangoes which was bigger than the machine!!!

Then he took two mangoes, pointed the machine towards it, put the sand, made the size to 1mm and pressed the start button.

A flash of light appeared and then the mango disappeared. Then the scientist took a magnifying glass and then we could see a yellow kind of thing.

Everyone rated it 4. Now only 3 were left. Those 3 scientists looked weird.



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