Tri-Tex Squad-6 - Adventure Story for Kids

Chapter 7: The Land Of Unknown

The next day, the micro phoned voice spoke again,

“Now the pathway is from this gate.”

We looked at the purple gate. It continued,

“This gate leads to The Land of Unknown. Good luck for your journey.” It ended.

Then we took some supplies. Even though Con Halver’s stomach was bulging, he wanted to eat more.

We went towards the gate. It automatically opened.

When we entered The Land of Unknown, Con Halver’s stomach went in. It was just like the Amazon forest;

Fully covered by trees and weird kind of animals. I think it deserves to be called Land of Unknown.

We were walking in the forest. Then suddenly we heard a chicken voice, “pak, pakpak, pak, pak, pak, pakpak, pak, pakaw.”

We peeked behind the bushes. There we saw a brood of chickens with horns on their head and they had very sharp fangs.

One chicken was sitting on a throne made of leaves. The others were singing.

I think the chicken on the throne is the king and the others are entertaining it.

Guff said,

“How can chicken live in a forest?”

The chicken on the throne said,

“How can children be here?. My name is chicken Chickhan by the way.”

Guff said,

“We got pushed into a portal and we ended up in Mysticland. Anyways, nice to meet you Chickhan chicken.”
“No, it is chicken Chickhan.” And then they started arguing:

“Fine, chicken Chicken”

“It is chicken Chickhan”

“Okay, whatever chicken you are”

“An unknown chicken.”

Guff got angry,

“Okay, that’s it.” Suddenly he pounced on the chicken.

Then Chickhan sang some pakpak tone and Guff was frozen, that too in mid-air. He was just like that.

He couldn’t move an inch.

Chickhan said,

“People who come here are always short-tempered and wicked. They always wanted to steal the HamodaDagu.”

I asked it,

“You know what HamodaDagu is? Can you please tell us what it is?”

Chickhan spoke,

“The first living thing in this planet was a phoenix. When it was about to die, it laid an egg and took a form of a potion.

That potion could revive anything, make it immortal and give even more power to it.

The egg which the phoenix laid, hatched and became something which no one knows.

All we know is that that thing was very harmful and it guards the HamodaDagu. It is called Tagedu.

Not only has that protected the HamodaDagu, but other things also. Once the HamodaDagu is used, it can be taken back also and make the user the original way it was before using the potion.”

By hearing this, I thought If it can revive anything, it might revive Foodie also.

I looked at the map. Now we have to go through the Mirror Maze…..


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