I Love You. Will You Be Mine?-14



On the day evening…

Deeksha was the only one who was looking at the design to be completed, and everyone had left the office that evening.

Abhi went out with Maya in the afternoon; he sent her home and returned to the office as some work left.

Seeing that Deeksha was alone, Abhinandan went near her.

"What Deeksha ??. You didn’t go home? Look at the time." he said in a soft voice

Deeksha looked at him mockingly and didn’t say anything and continued her work.

“What happened Deeksha. why are you looking me like that ?? " Asked Abhi without understanding her mind.

"Look Mr. Abhinandan. I have work to finish. I will finish it and leave. Can you let me do my work a little ?? If there is any other girl free, invite her to your room and continue your flirtation.”

On hearing her words, Abhi got shocked. He had never seen her mocked like this. She used to stare at him. She stared angrily. But never looked down on him like this.

“Deeksha. what are you talking about? “ He said angrily.

"I'm not saying anything, Mr. Abhinandan. Unfortunately, I saw the sight of you having fun hugging that Jessie in the morning," she snarled.

“Hey. what did you see ?? Don't talk without understanding what happened? Jessie slipped and fell down. I held her so she wouldn't fall. That's when you saw. "he growled.

Jessie, who had been planning for a long time to attract Abhi and marry him to become rich, had started her drama on that day.

The first step was to show the outside that Abhinandan had a relationship with her. When Deeksha came to the office today, she knew she was coming towards his room and hurriedly went inside his room and slid like a foot stumbling.

Jessie stood as she expected Abhinandan to hold her, holding it as an opportunity and hugging him.

At the same time, Deeksha opened the door, and in her eyes, it was as if the two of them were standing close together.

Jessie, who had one eye on Deeksha closing the door in disgust, immediately nodded

"Sorry, sir. I fell unknowingly." she managed.

He too

"It's okay. Be careful now," he warned.

She deliberately explained today's agenda and wasted some time dragging out some unnecessary things that she suspected.

After a while, she leaned back against him, opened the door and came out with a smirk, as if adjusting her crumpled saree when she came out and she tried to make others believe that she should have a relationship with him.

Seeing that, Deeksha turned her face even more disgusted, and Jessie was hunched over.

"Somehow, Deeksha saw this scene, and she might be trusted on the scene she saw. If Jessie can convince some more important people like this, it will be helpful for the drama I will put behind." She smiled inwardly.

Unaware of her plan, Deeksha showed her anger over Abhinandan and mocked him.

She didn't listen to the explanation given by Abhinandan

"Ha ha ha. How is that Mr. Abhinandan? You are always flying and coming to save any girl in the world who stumbles. And still, catch it along with their waist.

Did you get any special training for this ?? "she threw her words with the same sneer.

Hearing that, he clenched his fist and raised his hand to hit her by shouting

"Hey...Idiot… What are you talking."

On seeing his anger on his face first time, Deeksha stunned. At the same time, she suddenly had a pain in her abdomen.

“Mom …. “  she screamed. On seeing her pain, Abhi got shocked.

Immediately Abhi lowered his raised hand to see her, and she was starting to throb with pain.

By seeing the pain in her face, Deeksha reached over and grabbed his shirt. The one who was scared to see it did not understand what to do for a few seconds.

Deeksha told him the name of the nearest hospital and asked him to admit her there fast. Abhi was wondering how to get her down? Next second,  without thinking, he lifted her in his arms.

As he was so strong, he could lift her easily and walk. He reached the lift fast and went downstairs.

Holding her in his hand, he managed to get his key out, he threw his car key and shouted the valet parking helpers bring his car fast. When the car came, he put her inside and drove the car to the hospital while driving fast.

She was throbbing in pain. Abhi saw her with pain in her face; he was heartbroken.

"Nothing Deeksha. Please adjust a little. We will reach hospital soon." he said, holding her hand and comforting the steering wheel with the other hand.

While he was driving the car, called the hospital and told them it was an emergency and requested them to have everything ready.

As soon as the car reached the hospital, Abhi stopped it got down quickly, lifted her back with his hand and put her to bed on the stretcher that was ready there. The assistants there immediately took her inside.

They took her to the Labor Ward. Abhi’s heart started beating fast. He prayed for Deeksha that nothing should happen to her. She should be safe. He started walking front and back in front of the labour ward with restless.

After a while, the nurse who came out and told that Deeksha would have a caesarean as normal delivery was impossible. She gave him some forms and asked Abhi to fill and sign.

He also quickly signed everything where she stretched.

"Please. Save her somehow," he said and nodded to the nurse.

She smiled too

“Don’t worry, sir. Nothing will happen to your wife, sir. As  Mythily madam taking care of your wife. No matter how complicated the case, it would be successful as Mythily madam will be handling everything smooth always

You sit here without tension. "she said with a smile and moved inside the labour ward.

He was so nervous, and he did not notice that the nurse was saying that Deeksha was his wife.

Inside, he was anxious to save her somehow.

"Chae. If she had been at home without coming to work, she would not have been facing this pain. Everything is because of her husband… if he had only come and been with her, she would not have got into such a problem.

If I see him, I should have given nice treatment to him. ?”  Abhi bit his tooth.

By then Abhi noted Deeksha’s mom contact number from her mobile, called her and informed about Deeksha.

"No problem Aunty. I will take care of her. You come patiently." he said.

After some time, the nurse came out again and handed him a piece of paper and told him to come and buy the contents of medicines. Abhi ran to the medical store fast.

Then he ran to the medical store and the labour ward for each one they asked to buy one other.    

Though Abhi was running here and there

"Nothing should happen to her. She should survive, and she has to live a long life ." He was praying in his mind.

After a long struggle, he heard the scream of the baby. After listening to it for a few seconds, his heart stopped.

It took a few minutes to deal with himself. Then he was staring in awe the Labor Ward door.  

By then the nurse had brought the baby who was floundering around in a towel and handed it to him

"Congratulations sir. You have a baby girl. The health of the mother and baby are okay. Don’t worry. Be relax without tension anymore. "the nurse said and went inside smiling.

Abhinandan still froze without recovering from the shock.

To see the little angel in his hand, she just narrowed her eyes and opened her eyes eager to see this world.

When he saw Abhinandan's face in front of her, she had a beautiful smile.

She looked at him and bit her tongue. He was even more surprised to see it.

"This little angel was the one who looked at me every day and smiled. The one who gave me the incredible feeling of being in the womb." he moaned.

He was so excited while looking at the rose crawling in his hand.

He was thrilled to see that her little tiny mouth,  red colour cute little feet, long little fingers and dark black hair.

Abhi never lifted a baby like this before. But he could lift her freely without any hesitation as if he was used to carrying newborn babies for a long time.

He closed his eyes and hugged the little angel along with his chest.

Dr. Mythily, who was then treating Deeksha, came near him and stared at the baby

"Your daughter was born exactly resemble you, sir. See. she was born like you even though you are not near your wife and not taking care of her.

Well.  why didn’t you come so far? .At least you came to India for Deeksha’s delivery. Money is not important dear son. During pregnancy, the husband should be near his wife and enjoy every moment of the baby.

Anyway, at least take care of her going forward. Please don't leave her alone. She struggled a lot during her pregnancy time…” Mythily said to Abhi and moved with a smile.

Abhinandan realized his situation only when he heard what she said. From her words, only he realized that the angel was not his baby.

But he could not accept the fact that she was not his child.

He imagined that she is his baby only. He felt the same when he held the baby. Also, when he saw the pain of Deeksha, he felt as if his wife’s pain. He felt that Deeksha is his wife and carried her as her husband's pain by seeing his wife’s labour pain.

After realizing the fact, he shocked. 

“So these are just my fantasies ??? Is the owner of all this someone else? Deeksha is someone’s wife. This cute little angel is someone’s daughter and not mine. ?”

 When Abhi thought that, it hurts as if he was pressing the burden on his chest.

But the next moment he forgot everything when he saw the little angel who narrowed his eyes and shook his hand and leg

He was ecstatic to see her hand touch his feet. That's when Mythily’s words came to mind that

“Your daughter resembles you.”

Immediately he was staring at the angel, and he also felt the same. She is looking like him in the appearance.

"How is this possible??" he was surprised and watching the cute little pie.

At the same time, the nurse came near him

"Sir. Your wife is normal now. Luckily it turned to normal delivery at the last minute. She is perfect now. We shited her to the normal ward." she said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, sister. can I see her?" Abhi said eagerly.

"Sure sir. You can go and see her," she said and moved another side.

Abhinandan came into the room where  Deeksha was admitted with a pile of roses in his hand and a kind of pride on his face.

It was a great relief to see him and his literary condition, the familiar look on his face and the baby in his arms.

She smiled and looked at him.

The thin smile that came from Deeksha, such a tired bearer, penetrated him and spread to life inside.

He went near her with full of heart. At the same time, Deeksha looked at him and asked

Are you happy now, Nandan ?? I gave you the birth of your daughter as you asked me. Happy now? “ Deeksha blinked and smiled mischievously.

Abhinandan was amazed to hear that.

"Will she even talk about everything like this ?? And what is she saying ??" The confused man looked at her as not understanding her words.

It was only then that she realized her mistake when she saw the confusing lines on his face. Immediately with a smirk on her face and tightened her body and face and looked at him

"Thank you very much, Mr. Abhinandan. It will be very difficult if you don't," she said in a decisive voice with the same blank stare.

The man who saw it was still stunned. The woman who spoke in a different voice just before has now completely changed in an instant.

This is the Deeksha he is used to seeing always. The face and voice he saw earlier?  What is that, and how is that?

Abhi is even more confused.

"Maybe it's my imagination ?? Or else the words she said are still ringing in my ears. But why did she say that? then she changed ??" The confused man hid his confusion and replaced her with a thank you.

"It's my pleasure. Deeksha. Somehow you are safe and not getting complicated, and delivery is over. That’s enough for me. " he smiled.

Somehow his smile made her even more disgusted. Abhi thought of something

"Deeksha., did you say anything when I came into the room?" Asked curiously.

She has managed herself within it

"No." She just shook her head.

"Hmmm no, it was like you said something." he was thinking.

Then the nurse came inside

"Sir. you stay outside for a while. I have to practice for feeding the baby milk," she said.

Abhi gave the baby to the nurse without any hesitation looked at it eagerly again and then came out looking at Deeksha too.

Then he went to the canteen and drank a strong coffee, the tiredness that had been there until then disappeared and came to freshness.

"Chae. How scary for a while. Life is like life came and went. Now only I can breathe freely. Thank God. She is safe. " He thanked God in his heart.

Then Abhi bought some medicines that he had been told to buy and returned to the room.

Abhi entered into the room. At the same time

"Dear son-in-law. Come. Come. Come. Please come now. I was worried that you would not even come to the Deeksha delivery.

The nurse just told me that your son-in-law had just gathered here. After hearing that, the life that was gone came back to me. ” Parimalam said excitedly and with a big smile on her face.

Abhinandan, who was taking off his shoe as he was bowing his head, was stunned without understanding anything.

Parimalam narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

Deeksha within it

"Ma. he is not your son-in-law. He is our MD Mr Abhinandan. Do you remember he came home for baby shower function? He is the one who brought me to the hospital. ” Deeksha said with the same stare look.

Parimalam's face was shrunken as soon as she heard it.             

“That day also It was the same. I was waiting for my son-in-law. But he came. Today also I was happy that my son-in-law came. But he is the one here.” she was thinking inside, and her face was pale as if it was still the same.

On seeing Parimalam’s eager to see her son-in-law and Deeksha's condition, Abhi got anger and jealousy came together towards the stranger Deeksha’s husband.

"Why does he leave such a family and go abroad in search of work for money ??" Abhi was angry on him.

"Sorry, pa. I assumed wrongly ." Parimalam said sadly.

"Its ok  Aunty. The doctor asked me to buy all these medicines." He gave the cover with medicines.

Parimalam thanked him and bought it.

Deeksha looked at him

"Okay, Mr. Abhinandan. Now my mother came, and she will take care of me from now on. You can leave now. Thank you very much for your help." she raised her hands together for thanking him.

Abhi understood that she was chasing him. But he did not want to leave the baby. After drinking milk, the little angel was sleeping peacefully in the cradle.

Abhi had scratched his head and thought of asking permission to stay some more time to watch the baby. But on seeing Deeksha’s plain face and her blank eyes, he changed his mind and turned to Deeksha

"Take care Deeksha. Don't hesitate to ask me if you need any help," he said softly.

She also nodded with a stare, then Abhi said goodbye and left the room.


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