I Love You. Will You Be Mine?-29



Two months had passed.

During these two months, Deeksha had recovered somewhat. In her care, she was trying to get her mother to live for her daughter too, both of whom had come out of the closet of the head of their family to some extent.

That morning she left to the office, took her handbag and put the tiffin box that her mother had tied in her handbag. At the time she looked at the business magazine on the teapot.

She was immediately shocked. A tall man was smiling majestically on the cover of the magazine. She looked at the cover picture again.

Abhinandan was posing in style with the trophy in his hand as he was delighted to receive this year's Best Businessman Award. Her husband.

When she saw him in the photo again, she vibrated lightly inside.

She flipped the magazine over to herself so that his face was now in front of her eyes, thinking she had forgotten him.

There was a short article about him.

He described his knowledge, skills and career development and how he made his business profitable in a short period of time.

That's what she already knew about his talent. Then in the personal description, he mentioned that he was not yet married. On reading that, it pierced her heart.

“He put that chain on her and married her as a natural witness. What is that promise ??.

If he claims to be still unmarried, he has completely avoided me.

I am not his wife.

He used me for his needs, and when his lust was over, he threw me away and burned me.

The next moment she thought he was using her for physical needs without considering her as his wife brought nausea to her.

“Chae. Did I hang out with someone like this and spend my nights with him? Nausea came over her thinking that. She felt vomiting on remembering his touches and the nights she spent with him.

The woman who was standing ran straight to the washbasin.

Parimalam, who was in the kitchen, was frightened and ran fast towards her daughter. Deeksha vomited again and again, and Parimalam held her head.

Then she leaned back on the sofa and closed her eyes, saying that she was lightly fainting.

After a while, she opened her eyes and saw that there was another woman with her mother in front of her. She wiped her eyes and looked at them again.

The woman who had just examined her was smiling when she saw Deeksha drowning and turned towards Parimalam and said

“There is nothing to be afraid of Ma. Congratulations!   Your daughter is pregnant. That is why she has vomited and fainted. It will be like that for the first three months.. "she smiled.

Both women froze in shock when they heard the news. Parimalam shook her head like thunder.

That's it. That woman now turned to Deeksha and inquired

"Did you check with any gynic already ??"

By then Deeksha had brought herself to some extent to nature and controlled herself

"No." Deeksha nodded.

"Okay, you go and finish the first basic checkup. If you feel very vomiting,  buy and have this pill." she wrote a prescription for her.

Deeksha got up and opened her purse and took the money for her

"Let it be Ma. I will be next to your house. Your mother is a good friend to me—no need for fees.  You take care of your body. Bye Ma. Bye Parimala…  " she said goodbye to Parimalam and Deeksha and left the house.

When she left, Parimalam walked slowly and sat down on the sofa and saw her daughter staring.

Distraught at the sight, Deeksha approached her mother face and sat down next to her mother and took her hand in hers.

"Please, Ma. Don't look at me like that. I am your girl. I never make any mistake.

This baby is from my husband, only ma. Due to some reasons, we both got married without informing you. We lived as husband and wife got together, and that’s how this baby formed.

She is not an illegal baby. It's my husband's proper child only. Don’t think about me as bad girl…” She tried to convince her mother with tears.

Hearing that,  still, she trembled and hid above it to see his daughter

"Please, Ma. Forgive me. I must have told you before. I thought I would say to you and Dad after I came home from Delhi.

By then, my father had left me. I was reluctant to tell you where he was. I left to say it later. "

She said to her mother without hiding what happened.

When she had finished saying that, her mother face tightened, even more, to look at her mother's face and the pain subsided.

She was shocked to see it

"Please, Ma. Please don't hate me. I can't bear it.

He was in a hurry for the marriage, and I could not do anything. I also loved him very much. We crossed the limit, and everything had happened in a rush before telling you and dad. Please forgive me. "She cried by holding her mother's hand in pain.

Parimalam  that had been staring at her until then slowly opened her mouth

"Well. Where is your husband ??" she inquired with the same stare.

Deeksha was shocked to hear that.

"My husband that idiot cheated on me. He married me without anyone knowing and enjoyed it with me and used me. Now he washed his hands and told me he didn't know me. If I say this to my mom, my mother would not be able to bear it." Deeksha thought herself and decided to hide about her husband from her mom…

"Well.He… He. He went to Dubai, Ma. He was working there. He came to Delhi for this conference. We fell in love at first sight. We got married immediately. He left for Dubai after the conference.

He will come in another year and told me that he would come and pick me up. "She hurriedly managed to tell a lie with trembling.

She is not always accustomed to lying to anyone.

Parimalam saw her daughter believing it and not believing it.

"Don't you believe what I said?.Trust me ma.  Your daughter never made a mistake. This is the chain your son-in-law who gave me ." She took her chain and showed it to her mother.

Showing that ring as well

"He gave me all this as a token of love and evidence for our marriage. I even talked to his mother. So that they could reach me too, his mom knew about our wedding. He left me temporarily. I thought you and dad would trust me and hence thought of telling while meeting you both in person.

By that time, all got changed. Please don't hate me, ma. Believe me. I’m not a bad girl.  "she leaned her head on her mother's lap and shook with tears in her eyes.

By then Parimalam, who had managed herself to some extent, was also sweeping in support of her daughter's back

"I trust you, Deeksha. My daughter will never make a mistake. I know she will be careful anywhere. But she may have said a word to me about what had happened." she sighed.

"Sorry, Ma. Really sorry. You are correct, and I did wrong without telling you, I got married. We both in love and did things in a hurry, which is wrong. I have just experienced the punishment for that." Deeksha scolded herself in her mind.

Then Parimalam gave her more food and took her to a nearby hospital.

There her pregnancy got confirmed after a few tests. On hearing the news, both did not know whether they would be happy or worried about it.

Deeksha, who came home, took a leave of absence from the office, went to her room and told her mom that she was unwell.

She buried her face in the pillow and shook.

His child, his life in my womb as an unforgettable memento to her who was determined never to think of him.

She remembered what Nandan said about his child that day.

He was so eager to have a baby girl.

As he said, his daughter is in my womb. Indeed this is as he wishes, it will be golden.

But he would not be near her for a while. He did not know who I was chased away. Is this child going to grow up without a father ??

How disgusting this society looks at my daughter and me.

That's when it froze me as to why this sentence.

"Why should I be punished only for the mistake he and I made in a hurry without the knowledge of the adults. The full responsibility for the mistake lies with him.

But he is not harmed. He says he is unmarried without opening his mouth.

But why am I being punished only for giving him space and complicity in his wrongdoing? ”. While thinking that, she remembered her father advice again.

When she reached puberty, she remembered her father's advice by sitting her nearby.

"Deeksha Ma. you are little girl about all these days. As a small child, she was bud and bald in flower. You were bud, and now you have blossomed into a flower.

When the flower blooms, it smells all around itself. A lot of beetles flock around that flower for that smell.

But you should not betray those beetles like that flower. You should be able to slap your mind-door with your earth leaf.

Do not allow any beetle to enter your garden and shut door until the right time comes.

You have to study well, go to a big job, stand on your own feet, and then choose your life partner and open the door only after you have formally married him.

Until then, keep your mind moving.

Femininity is a great treasure. You should protect it and hand it over only to your life partner.

Until then you will be on fire, not like that flower.

Do not let anyone get too close. keep looking away. "As he rubbed her head, the advice he gave her on that day came before her eyes.

As well as how many people approached her and proposed her and tried to get close to her. She threw them all away in a fiery look.

But ??

Only this beetle named Abhinandan has somehow gone unnoticed by the race.

When she saw him, she fell in love and forgot all the mantras that her father had warned her about when she fell in love with the idiot.

No, that swindler made me forget everything and made me thinking about only him. This spotted deer, the white dove that wandered around without anyone approaching,  has been caught by that idiot by throwing the web of love.

Not only did he like the flower, but he also tasted the honey.

Like the proverb of After death, the doctor, all the words of truth of his father were forgotten then.

No, that crook who made me forget everything. The biggest mistake I have ever made in my life is to forget myself and open my door and let him in.

I should have kept him away from my closet like everyone else. There would not have been so much pain.

This pain is greater than the pleasure he gave me. "she said herself inside

“Do I need a baby like this ?? Do I have to carry the whole life with the stigma of cheating on me ??

Shall I abort this baby without letting to grow? “ Deeksha was asking herself. The next second of thinking to abort the baby,  her body trembled to think further.

"Noooooooo. This is my Nandan's life. The gift of love and affection he showed me. His love may be a lie. But my love is real.

As punishment for my love for him and my betrayal of him, I will give birth to this baby. Now she is my only world. "she made sure.

According to that, Deeksha came to the circle with clarity from the next day.

But that hopping, the naughtiness that was before her eyes were gone and only a blank gaze.

Parimalam also had thought about her while seeing her face. After that, every time Deeksha managed to say something whenever Parimalam asked about her groom.


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