Tri-Tex Squad-5 - Adventure Story for Kids

Chapter 6: Rats Raazab W e were wondering how to cross the sea to go to Star Bazar. Then suddenly Guff said, “An idea! We can use lightning bird and burger lion to cross the river.” Two people on lightning bird, two people on burger lion. Burger lion can put rocks which can float on water and it can jump on that. As for the bird, it can fly, duh. We all agreed. The lightest, Foody and I went on burger lion and Con and Guff went on lightning bird. We reached the island in less than two hours. When we went further north, I could see from a distance that The land was completely grey. And there is no Star Bazaar…. When we went further we got to know why. There was a plague of rats swarming. There were rat balloons, rat houses, rat food, rat etc. There was a large board that read ‘ RATS RAAZAB’ . I told our two monsters to go away and come back later. We asked a rat what is Rats Razaab. It squeaked, “Squeak, this is the festival for rats. We make everyt...